PSI Portal
Expand/Collapse  Lists and Libraries
  Web Part iconContent and Structure Reports
  Use the reports list to customize the queries that appear in the Content and Structure Tool views
  Web Part iconDocuments
  This system library was created by the Publishing feature to store documents that are used on pages in this site.
  Web Part iconDrop Off Library
  After their properties are filled out, files uploaded to this library are automatically moved to the correct library or folder according to rules created by the owner of this site.
  Web Part iconForm Templates
  This library contains administrator-approved form templates that were activated to this site collection.
  Web Part iconImages
  This system library was created by the Publishing feature to store images that are used on pages in this site.
  Web Part iconPages
  This system library was created by the Publishing feature to store pages that are created in this site.
  Web Part iconReusable Content
  Items in this list contain HTML or text content which can be inserted into web pages. If an item has automatic update selected, the content will be inserted into web pages as a read-only reference, and the content will update if the item is changed. If the item does not have automatic update selected, the content will be inserted as a copy in the web page, and the content will not update if the item is changed.
  Web Part iconSite Assets
  Use this library to store files which are included on pages within this site, such as images on Wiki pages.
  Web Part iconSite Collection Documents
  This system library was created by the Publishing Resources feature to store documents that are used throughout the site collection.
  Web Part iconSite Collection Images
  This system library was created by the Publishing Resources feature to store images that are used throughout the site collection.
  Web Part iconSite Pages
  Web Part iconVariation Logs
  Web Part iconWorkflow Tasks
  This system library was created by the Publishing feature to store workflow tasks that are created in this site.
Expand/Collapse  All Web Parts
  Web Part iconBlog Archives
  Provides quick links to older blog posts.
  Web Part iconBlog Notifications
  Provides quick links to register for blog posts notifications using Alerts or RSS feed.
  Web Part iconBlog Tools
  Provides blog owners and administrators with quick links to common settings pages and content lists for managing a blog site.
 Business Data
  Web Part iconBusiness Data Actions
  Displays a list of actions from Business Data Connectivity.
  Web Part iconBusiness Data Connectivity Filter
  Filters the contents of Web Parts using a list of values from the Business Data Connectivity.
  Web Part iconBusiness Data Item
  Displays one item from a data source in Business Data Connectivity.
  Web Part iconBusiness Data Item Builder
  Creates a Business Data item from parameters in the query string and provides it to other Web Parts.
  Web Part iconBusiness Data List
  Displays a list of items from a data source in Business Data Connectivity.
  Web Part iconBusiness Data Related List
  Displays a list of items related to one or more parent items from a data source in Business Data Connectivity.
  Web Part iconExcel Web Access
  Use the Excel Web Access Web Part to interact with an Excel workbook as a Web page.
  Web Part iconIndicator Details
  Displays the details of a single Status Indicator. Status Indicators display an important measure for an organization and may be obtained from other data sources including SharePoint lists, Excel workbooks, and SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services KPIs.
  Web Part iconStatus List
  Shows a list of Status Indicators. Status Indicators display important measures for your organization, and show how your organization is performing with respect to your goals.
  Web Part iconVisio Web Access
  Enables viewing and refreshing of Visio Web Drawings.
  Web Part iconAbout this community
  This web part displays the community description and other properties like established date. This web part will work on Community sites or any other site that has Community Features turned on.
  Web Part iconJoin
  Provides the ability for non-members of a community site to join the community. The button hides itself if the user is already a member. This web part will work on Community sites or any other site that has Community Features turned on.
  Web Part iconMy membership
  Displays reputation and membership information for the current visitor of a community site. This web part will work on Community sites or any other site that has Community Features turned on.
  Web Part iconTools
  Provides community owners and administrators with quick links to common settings pages and content lists for managing a community site. This web part will work on Community sites or any other site that has Community Features turned on.
  Web Part iconWhat's happening
  Displays the number of members, topics and replies within a community site. This web part will work on Community sites or any other site that has Community Features turned on.
 Content Rollup
  Web Part iconCategories
  Displays categories from the Site Directory.
  Web Part iconContent Query
  Displays a dynamic view of content from your site.
  Web Part iconContent Search
  Content Search Web Part will allow you to show items that are results of a search query you specify.
When you add it to the page, this Web Part will show recently modified items from the current site. You can change this setting to show items from another site or list by editing the Web Part and changing its search criteria.
As new content is discovered by search, this Web Part will display an updated list of items each time the page is viewed.
  Web Part iconProject Summary
  Displays information about a project in an easy to read overview
  Web Part iconRelevant Documents
  Displays documents that are relevant to the current user.
  Web Part iconRSS Viewer
  Displays an RSS feed.
  Web Part iconSite Aggregator
  Displays sites of your choice.
  Web Part iconSites in Category
  Displays sites from the Site Directory within a specific category.
  Web Part iconSummary Links
  Allows authors to create links that can be grouped and styled.
  Web Part iconTable Of Contents
  Displays the navigation hierarchy of your site.
  Web Part iconTerm Property
  Displays the specified property of a Term.
  Web Part iconTimeline
  Use this timeline to show a high level view of data from another webpart or tasks list.
  Web Part iconWSRP Viewer
  Displays portlets from web sites using WSRP 1.1.
  Web Part iconXML Viewer
  Transforms XML data using XSL and shows the results.
  Web Part icon]دليل المواصفات
  دليل المواصفات
  Web Part icon]دليل المواصفات
  دليل المواصفات
  Web Part iconAgenda - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconBarCode Search
  BarCode Search WebPart
  Web Part iconCertificateLists - CertificateLists
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconCertificationEng - CertificationEng
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconCommitteesTRW - CommitteesTRW
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconComplaints - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconComplaintsForTrainingCenter - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconFinal_Draft - Final_Draft
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconFinalDraftMainSite - FinalDraftMainSite
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconInformationRequest - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconITLAQ DashBoard
  ITLAQ DashBoard
  Web Part iconITLAQ_Multilingual_Lable
  My Visual WebPart
  Web Part iconLaboratoryExamination - LaboratoryExamination
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconLaboratoryExaminationEng - LaboratoryExaminationEng
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconLaboratoryMetrology - LaboratoryMetrology
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconLaboratoryMetrologyEng - LaboratoryMetrologyEng
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconLoginWP - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconMPTechnicalInstructionsWP - MPTWP
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconNewStandard - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconOrganizationChartsWP1 - OrganizationChartsWP1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconProjectAnnualPlan - ProjectAnnualPlanV
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconQualityCertificatesWP - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconQuestionnaire - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconRegistrationTraineesWP - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconRinadTest - RinadTest
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconServiceManual - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconservices - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconSPUserPoll - Poll
  My Web Part
  Web Part iconStandardCommitteeFinal - StandardCommittee
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconStandardsCommitteeEng - StandardsCommitteeEng
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconStandardsCommitteeEng - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconStandardsWebParts - StandardsWebParts
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconTC - TC
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconTraineeDefaultPageWP - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconTraineesChangePasswordWP - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconTraineesForgotYourPasswordWP - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconTraineesLoginWP - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconTrainingCourse - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconTSS - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconVisualWebPartProject1 - VisualWebPart1
  My Visual Web Part
  Web Part iconمجال المعايرة
  مجال المعايرة
 Document Sets
  Web Part iconDocument Set Contents
  Displays the contents of the Document Set.
  Web Part iconDocument Set Properties
  Displays the properties of the Document Set.
  Web Part iconApply Filters Button
  Add this button to a page so users can decide when to apply their filter choices. Otherwise, each filter is applied when its value is changed.
  Web Part iconChoice Filter
  Filters the contents of Web Parts using a list of values entered by the page author.
  Web Part iconCurrent User Filter
  Filters the contents of Web Parts by using properties of the current user.
  Web Part iconDate Filter
  Filter the contents of Web Parts by allowing users to enter or pick a date.
  Web Part iconPage Field Filter
  Filters the contents of Web Parts using information about the current page.
  Web Part iconQuery String (URL) Filter
  Filters the contents of Web Parts using values passed via the query string.
  Web Part iconSharePoint List Filter
  Filters the contents of Web Parts by using a list of values.
  Web Part iconSQL Server Analysis Services Filter
  Filters the contents of Web Parts using a list of values from SQL Server Analysis Services cubes.
  Web Part iconText Filter
  Filters the contents of Web Parts by allowing users to enter a text value.
  Web Part iconHTML Form Web Part
  Connects simple form controls to other Web Parts.
  Web Part iconInfoPath Form Web Part
  Use this Web Part to display an InfoPath browser-enabled form.
 Media and Content
  Web Part iconContent Editor
  Allows authors to enter rich text content.
  Web Part iconGet started with your site
  This web part displays a set of tiles with common SharePoint actions.
  Web Part iconImage Viewer
  Displays a specified image.
  Web Part iconMedia Web Part
  Use to embed media clips (video and audio) in a web page.
  Web Part iconPage Viewer
  Displays another Web page on this Web page. The other Web page is presented in an IFrame.
  Web Part iconPicture Library Slideshow Web Part
  Use to display a slideshow of images and photos from a picture library.
  Web Part iconScript Editor
  Allows authors to insert HTML snippets or scripts.
  Web Part iconSilverlight Web Part
  A web part to display a Silverlight application.
 Nintex Workflow 2013
  Web Part iconMy Workflow Tasks
  View the workflow tasks that require the attention of the current user.
  Web Part iconWorkflow Chart Viewer
  View Workflow reports in a chart format.
  Web Part iconWorkflow Report Viewer
  View Workflow reports in a grid format.
  Web Part iconWorkflows I've Started
  View the status of workflows initiated by the current user.
  Web Part iconPerformancePoint Filter
  This web part displays PerformancePoint filters. Filters may be linked to other web parts to provide an interactive dashboard experience. Filter types include lists and trees based on a variety of data sources.
  Web Part iconPerformancePoint Report
  This web part displays PerformancePoint reports. Reports may be linked to other web parts to create an interactive dashboard experience. Report types include: Analytic charts & grids, Strategy Maps, Excel Services, Reporting Services, Predictive Trend charts, and web pages.
  Web Part iconPerformancePoint Scorecard
  This web part displays a PerformancePoint scorecard. Scorecards may be linked to other web parts, such as filters and reports, to create an interactive dashboard experience.
  Web Part iconPerformancePoint Stack Selector
  This web part displays a PerformancePoint Stack Selector. All PerformancePoint web parts, such as filters and reports, contained in the same zone will be automatically stacked and selectable using this web part.
  Web Part iconFind by Document ID
  Finds a document by its Document ID.
  Web Part iconRefinement
  This webpart helps the users to refine search results
  Web Part iconSearch Box
  Displays a search box that allows users to search for information.
  Web Part iconSearch Navigation
  This webpart helps the users to navigate among search verticals
  Web Part iconSearch Results
  Displays the search results and the properties associated with them.
  Web Part iconTaxonomy Refinement Panel
  This Web Part helps the user to refine search results on term set data. To use this Web Part, you must also have a Search Data Provider Web Part on this page and use Managed Navigation.
 Search-Driven Content
  Web Part iconCatalog-Item Reuse
  Use this Web Part to reuse or republish the content of an item from a catalog.
  Web Part iconItems Matching a Tag
  This Web Part will show items that are tagged with a term.
When you add it to the page, this Web Part will show items from the current site matching the page navigation context. You can change this setting to show items from another site or list by editing the Web Part and changing its search criteria. You can also specify whether you want the Web Part to display items associated with a different tag instead.
As new content is discovered by search, this Web Part will display an updated list of items each time the page is viewed.
  Web Part iconPages
  This Web Part will show any items that are derived from the Pages content type.
When you add it to the page, this Web Part will show items from the current site. You can change this setting to show items from another site or list by editing the Web Part and changing its search criteria.
As new content is discovered by search, this Web Part will display an updated list of items each time the page is viewed.
  Web Part iconPictures
  This Web Part will show any items that are derived from the Picture or Image content type.
When you add it to the page, this Web Part will show items from the current site. You can change this setting to show items from another site or list by editing the Web Part and changing its search criteria.
As new content is discovered by search, this Web Part will display an updated list of items each time the page is viewed.
  Web Part iconPopular Items
  This Web Part will show items that have been recently viewed by many users.
When you add it to the page, this Web Part will show items from the current site. You can change this setting to show items from another site or list by editing the Web Part and changing its search criteria. You can also customize how items are sorted.
As new content is discovered by search, this Web Part will display an updated list of items each time the page is viewed.
  Web Part iconRecently Changed Items
  This Web Part will show items that have been modified recently. This can help site users track the latest activity on a site or a library.
When you add it to the page, this Web Part will show items from the current site. You can change this setting to show items from another site or list by editing the Web Part and changing its search criteria.
As new content is discovered by search, this Web Part will display an updated list of items each time the page is viewed.
  Web Part iconRecommended Items
  This Web Part will show content recommendations based on usage patterns for the current page.
When you add it to the page, this Web Part will show items from the current site. You can change this setting to show items from another site or list by editing the Web Part and changing its search criteria.
As new content is discovered by search, this Web Part will display an updated list of items each time the page is viewed.
  Web Part iconVideos
  This Web Part will show any items that are derived from the Video content type.  It will sort items by number of views.
When you add it to the page, this Web Part will show items from the current site. You can change this setting to show items from another site or list by editing the Web Part and changing its search criteria.
As new content is discovered by search, this Web Part will display an updated list of items each time the page is viewed.
  Web Part iconWeb Pages
  This Web Part will show any items that are derived from the Page content type.
When you add it to the page, this Web Part will show items from the current site. You can change this setting to show items from another site or list by editing the Web Part and changing its search criteria.
As new content is discovered by search, this Web Part will display an updated list of items each time the page is viewed.
  Web Part iconWiki Pages
  This Web Part will show any items that are derived from the Wiki Page content type.
When you add it to the page, this Web Part will show items from the current site. You can change this setting to show items from another site or list by editing the Web Part and changing its search criteria.
As new content is discovered by search, this Web Part will display an updated list of items each time the page is viewed.
 Social Collaboration
  Web Part iconContact Details
  Displays details about a contact for this page or site.
  Web Part iconNote Board
  Enable users to leave short, publicly-viewable notes about this page.
  Web Part iconOrganization Browser
  This Web Part displays each person in the reporting chain in an interactive view optimized for browsing organization charts.
  Web Part iconSite Users
  Use the Site Users Web Part to see a list of the site users and their online status.
  Web Part iconTag Cloud
  Displays the most popular subjects being tagged inside your organization.
  Web Part iconUser Tasks
  Displays tasks that are assigned to the current user.
  Web Part iconSPUserPoll
  Create a poll for your page
 SQL Server Reporting
  Web Part iconSQL Server Reporting Services Report Viewer
  Use the Report Viewer to view SQL Server Reporting Services reports.
Advanced Web Part gallery and options